Sergey D. Sukhotinsky's Blog
Code First, Model First, or Behavior First? (Talking On Plate Tectonics, Earth Science).
Software industry to address Plate Tectonic.
With the "Model First" concept a developer still needs to suggest a model. What if a model were to be built automatically, based on a set of observations? That's probably too fantastic in a general case. But, does a special case exist to justify it? I think, yes, this can be Plate Tectonics, Earth Science.
The very nature of Earth Science is that it's impossible to reach the depths of the Earth to see directly what's going on there. So different models exist to explain the tectonic processes. The most widely accepted one is Plate Tectonics. Phrases like "is thought to be", "is widely accepted", "is postulated", etc are not uncommon within the model. The mainstream of the model does not take Earth as a rotating body at all and one could find other issues with the model on the closer look at it.
Software "Model First" evangelists are scientists, for sure. They are the most advanced specialists to handle future "Behavior First" concept. So, the question is, why have Software and related industries wait for "Earth Science" scientists to figure out which model fits better the geology/geophysics observations? Why not to help them to convert the stream of ongoing observations into the process of building the relevant model? The best professionals to handle the task belong to software industry.
Let's name some reasons why Software and related industries may consider participating in building the relevant Tectonic model of the Earth:
a) Software industry:
1. The industry possesses the best professionals to handle the task. The task spans both "Model First" and "Behavior First" domains. It would be only natural for the industry to jump on the train, running one of the AI rails.
2. Good knowledge of possible future seismic events is vital to the industry.
b) Electronic Components and Electronic Devices industries:
1. Steady supply of materials is vital for the industry. Plate Tectonics is not only about how do continents move. Plate Tectonics is also about how do the deposits of elements form and where to dig them. (See "Porphyry Copper. More On Reshaping Pangaea (Gondwana)" ( ), some ideas were left behind the post.)
2. The same as the point 2 for Software industry.
3. The industries could provide the hardware that is optimized to address the task.
c) Other industries, to name a few: auto-, mil- related, etc.
1. A set of reasons including some of those mentioned above.
Suggesting Active Boundary Plate Tectonics model.
Probably I would not post it if I, Sergey D. Sukhotinsky, the author of this message had not developed the draft of new concept of Plate Tectonics. The concept, in my opinion, is quite promising as I found it to explain the tectonics-related observations quite nicely. The story started on 26-Apr,2011 when I posted a request to "Tectonics & structural geology discussion list" <GEO-TECTONICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> to review new concept of forces behind continental drift, post #5932 on 26-Apr,2011 and post #5955 on 3-May, 2011.
The concept "Active Boundary Plate Tectonics" is based on a few suggestions. Below are some adapted excepts from my post Item #6247 24-Aug 2011 12:35 - A message on Active Boundary Plate Tectonics.<GEO-TECTONICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>, the post in full is at the end of this message:)
- the suggestion that under the deformations the transition layer between crust and magma propagates in the direction of lower temperature;
- the suggestion that if the transition layer reached surface, it would build either:
a) divergent boundary if enough cooling of the surface were present (water layer over oceanic floor, say East Pacific Rise);
b) convergent boundary if the transition layer reached atmosphere (not enough cooling), I'd say - Hawaii. The upper layers of magma is getting spoiled by sediments and nearby chain of underwater volcanoes can't build the strong (divergent) boundary. (We assume the region to be under compression, not extension.)
- some other suggestions to be discussed later;
The derived ideas range from geographically very local to the planet-wide ideas:
- Big picture on continental formation end evolution, (my (somewhat outdated) blog post "Continental Formation And Evolution Revisited". ( ))
- Latest super-continent Pangaea layout. There was a post on this list #6165 (13-Jul, 2011) "Request for links to resources on alternative Pangaea layouts." The proposed layout was to place Australia, India, and NZ on the West of South America. Australia to be connected to "Atacama desert" region, India's cratons to be places on the North-West of Australia. NZ to be connected to South America below Australia. One of the evidences was the location of porphyry copper deposits, (my blog post "Porphyry Copper. More On Reshaping Pangaea (Gondwana)".( ))
- Mountain formation. (my blog post "Formation Of Mountain Ridges by Broken Process Of Subduction" ( )). Tibet/Himalaya formation mechanism was suggested - by the series of "broken processes of subduction".
- Intra-continental tectonic processes. Some evidences of divergent processes within continents were pointed out: - my posts "The Snake River Plain As A Divergent Boundary" ( ), "Diverging Processes Within Las Vegas Valley" ( ), "Diverging The Southern Death Valley" ( ), "Evidences Of Diverging Processes Within Tibet Mountain System." ( ), "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism" ( ), "Evidences Of Old Diverging Process Within North Anatolian Mountains. ( )".
It was suggested that the diverging processes were behind the "Flood Basalt" events. The Snake River Plain divergent process was suggested to correlate to flood basalts on the North and on the South of the plain. The event of diverging Ural from Putorana was suggested to be one of the primary cause of Siberian Traps flood basalts (my blog post "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism" ( )).
The most exciting for me was my work on my post "Black Sea. Some Thoughts On Its Opening And On The Origin OF The Crimean Mountains." ( ) The post was about that the divergent boundary - the Shatsky Ridge separated the Crimean Mountains off the Pontic Mountains. Some evidences were discussed.
Why not "Model First" ideologist to take care of Plate Tectonics model?
Thank you,
Sergey D. Sukhotinsky.
Item #6247 (24 Aug 2011 12:35) - A message on Active Boundary Plate Tectonics.
Subject: A message on Active Boundary Plate Tectonics.
Reply-To: Tectonics & structural geology discussion list <GEO-TECTONICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 12:35:17 +0300
Dear GEO-TECTONICS list members,
On 26-Apr,2011 I posted a request to review new concept of forces behind continental drift, post #5932 on 26-Apr,2011 and post #5955 on 3-May, 2011. I would agree it would be better to prepare a work, publish it, and then to discuss it on the forum, For some reason I got no option to go the standard way. Let me to sum up what I've done since then in a short message. I am not sure I'll have an opportunity to continue the work (though I'll be trying to continue it).
The initial concept did not transform too much. As for now, the concept "Active Boundary Plate Tectonics" is based on the next suggestions.
- the suggestion that under the deformations the transition layer between crust and magma propagates in the direction of lower temperature;
- the suggestion that if the transition layer reached surface, it would build either:
a) divergent boundary if enough cooling of the surface were present (water layer over oceanic floor, say East Pacific Rise);
b) convergent boundary if the transition layer reached atmosphere (not enough cooling), I'd say - Hawaii. The upper layers of magma is getting spoiled by sediments and nearby chain of underwater volcanoes can't build the strong (divergent) boundary.
- third suggestion to be discussed later;
The derived ideas range from very local geographically to planet-wide:
- Big picture on continental formation end evolution, (my blog post "Continental Formation And Evolution Revisited".)
- Pangaea layout. There was a post on this list #6165 (13-Jul, 2011) "Request for links to resources on alternative Pangaea layouts." The proposed layout was to place Australia, India, and NZ on the West of South America. Australia to be connected to "Atacama desert" region, India's cratons to be places on the North-West of Australia. NZ to be connected to South America below Australia. One of the evidences was the location of porphyry copper deposits, (my blog post "Porphyry Copper. More On Reshaping Pangaea (Gondwana)".)
- Mountain formation. (my blog post "Formation Of Mountain Ridges by Broken Process Of Subduction"). Tibet/Himalaya formation mechanism was suggested - by the consecutive "broken processes of subduction".
- Intra-continental tectonic processes. Some evidences of divergent processes within continents were pointed out: - my posts "The Snake River Plain As A Divergent Boundary", "Diverging Processes Within Las Vegas Valley", "Diverging The Southern Death Valley", "Evidences Of Diverging Processes Within Tibet Mountain System.", "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism", "Evidences Of Old Diverging Process Within North Anatolian Mountains.".
It was suggested that the diverging processes were behind the "Flood Basalt" events. The Snake River Plain divergent process was suggested to correlate to flood basalts on the North and on the South of the plain. The event of diverging Ural from Putorana was suggested to be one of the primary cause of Siberian Traps flood basalts (my blog post "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism").
A few words in conclusion. The proposed concept of Active Boundary Plate Tectonics seems to be quite efficient concept. It could be used to explain not only intercontinental tectonic processes, but also to explain very local intra-continental tectonic processes.
Thank you.
Sergey D. Sukhotinsky.
The most exciting for me was my work on my post "Black Sea. Some Thoughts On Its Opening And On The Origin OF The Crimean Mountains." The post was about that the divergent boundary - the Shatsky Ridge separated the Crimean Mountains off Pontic Mountains. Some evidences were discussed:
- Matching mountains on Anatolia (Dongelce) and Crimea (Laspi) side. The rectangular mountain structures can be found only in this "bent" part of Pontic Mountains.
- Matching mountains all over the divergent mountain system (Yalta, Crimea to match Aydincik-Doganyurt, Turkey; Feodosia, Crimea to match Caylioglu, Turkey; Novorossiysk-Anapa, Russia fit Carsamba, Turkey).
The mechanism that diverged the mountain system was discussed. The origin of deep see locations around Laspi was suggested.
I posted about two dozens of posts on Plate Tectonics on my blog Now I've made most of the posts private, but still on-demand are available the timestamped editions of them and their drafts that are stored in the cloud.
(I think, some day the blog platform host will introduce the feature to make public the saved editions of a blog post.)
Code First, Model First, or Behavior First? (Talking On Plate Tectonics, Earth Science).
Software industry to address Plate Tectonic.
With the "Model First" concept a developer still needs to suggest a model. What if a model were to be built automatically, based on a set of observations? That's probably too fantastic in a general case. But, does a special case exist to justify it? I think, yes, this can be Plate Tectonics, Earth Science.
The very nature of Earth Science is that it's impossible to reach the depths of the Earth to see directly what's going on there. So different models exist to explain the tectonic processes. The most widely accepted one is Plate Tectonics. Phrases like "is thought to be", "is widely accepted", "is postulated", etc are not uncommon within the model. The mainstream of the model does not take Earth as a rotating body at all and one could find other issues with the model on the closer look at it.
Software "Model First" evangelists are scientists, for sure. They are the most advanced specialists to handle future "Behavior First" concept. So, the question is, why have Software and related industries wait for "Earth Science" scientists to figure out which model fits better the geology/geophysics observations? Why not to help them to convert the stream of ongoing observations into the process of building the relevant model? The best professionals to handle the task belong to software industry.
Let's name some reasons why Software and related industries may consider participating in building the relevant Tectonic model of the Earth:
a) Software industry:
1. The industry possesses the best professionals to handle the task. The task spans both "Model First" and "Behavior First" domains. It would be only natural for the industry to jump on the train, running one of the AI rails.
2. Good knowledge of possible future seismic events is vital to the industry.
b) Electronic Components and Electronic Devices industries:
1. Steady supply of materials is vital for the industry. Plate Tectonics is not only about how do continents move. Plate Tectonics is also about how do the deposits of elements form and where to dig them. (See "Porphyry Copper. More On Reshaping Pangaea (Gondwana)" ( ), some ideas were left behind the post.)
2. The same as the point 2 for Software industry.
3. The industries could provide the hardware that is optimized to address the task.
c) Other industries, to name a few: auto-, mil- related, etc.
1. A set of reasons including some of those mentioned above.
Suggesting Active Boundary Plate Tectonics model.
Probably I would not post it if I, Sergey D. Sukhotinsky, the author of this message had not developed the draft of new concept of Plate Tectonics. The concept, in my opinion, is quite promising as I found it to explain the tectonics-related observations quite nicely. The story started on 26-Apr,2011 when I posted a request to "Tectonics & structural geology discussion list" <GEO-TECTONICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> to review new concept of forces behind continental drift, post #5932 on 26-Apr,2011 and post #5955 on 3-May, 2011.
The concept "Active Boundary Plate Tectonics" is based on a few suggestions. Below are some adapted excepts from my post Item #6247 24-Aug 2011 12:35 - A message on Active Boundary Plate Tectonics.<GEO-TECTONICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>, the post in full is at the end of this message:)
- the suggestion that under the deformations the transition layer between crust and magma propagates in the direction of lower temperature;
- the suggestion that if the transition layer reached surface, it would build either:
a) divergent boundary if enough cooling of the surface were present (water layer over oceanic floor, say East Pacific Rise);
b) convergent boundary if the transition layer reached atmosphere (not enough cooling), I'd say - Hawaii. The upper layers of magma is getting spoiled by sediments and nearby chain of underwater volcanoes can't build the strong (divergent) boundary. (We assume the region to be under compression, not extension.)
- some other suggestions to be discussed later;
The derived ideas range from geographically very local to the planet-wide ideas:
- Big picture on continental formation end evolution, (my (somewhat outdated) blog post "Continental Formation And Evolution Revisited". ( ))
- Latest super-continent Pangaea layout. There was a post on this list #6165 (13-Jul, 2011) "Request for links to resources on alternative Pangaea layouts." The proposed layout was to place Australia, India, and NZ on the West of South America. Australia to be connected to "Atacama desert" region, India's cratons to be places on the North-West of Australia. NZ to be connected to South America below Australia. One of the evidences was the location of porphyry copper deposits, (my blog post "Porphyry Copper. More On Reshaping Pangaea (Gondwana)".( ))
- Mountain formation. (my blog post "Formation Of Mountain Ridges by Broken Process Of Subduction" ( )). Tibet/Himalaya formation mechanism was suggested - by the series of "broken processes of subduction".
- Intra-continental tectonic processes. Some evidences of divergent processes within continents were pointed out: - my posts "The Snake River Plain As A Divergent Boundary" ( ), "Diverging Processes Within Las Vegas Valley" ( ), "Diverging The Southern Death Valley" ( ), "Evidences Of Diverging Processes Within Tibet Mountain System." ( ), "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism" ( ), "Evidences Of Old Diverging Process Within North Anatolian Mountains. ( )".
It was suggested that the diverging processes were behind the "Flood Basalt" events. The Snake River Plain divergent process was suggested to correlate to flood basalts on the North and on the South of the plain. The event of diverging Ural from Putorana was suggested to be one of the primary cause of Siberian Traps flood basalts (my blog post "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism" ( )).
The most exciting for me was my work on my post "Black Sea. Some Thoughts On Its Opening And On The Origin OF The Crimean Mountains." ( ) The post was about that the divergent boundary - the Shatsky Ridge separated the Crimean Mountains off the Pontic Mountains. Some evidences were discussed.
Why not "Model First" ideologist to take care of Plate Tectonics model?
Thank you,
Sergey D. Sukhotinsky.
Item #6247 (24 Aug 2011 12:35) - A message on Active Boundary Plate Tectonics.
Subject: A message on Active Boundary Plate Tectonics.
Reply-To: Tectonics & structural geology discussion list <GEO-TECTONICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 12:35:17 +0300
Dear GEO-TECTONICS list members,
On 26-Apr,2011 I posted a request to review new concept of forces behind continental drift, post #5932 on 26-Apr,2011 and post #5955 on 3-May, 2011. I would agree it would be better to prepare a work, publish it, and then to discuss it on the forum, For some reason I got no option to go the standard way. Let me to sum up what I've done since then in a short message. I am not sure I'll have an opportunity to continue the work (though I'll be trying to continue it).
The initial concept did not transform too much. As for now, the concept "Active Boundary Plate Tectonics" is based on the next suggestions.
- the suggestion that under the deformations the transition layer between crust and magma propagates in the direction of lower temperature;
- the suggestion that if the transition layer reached surface, it would build either:
a) divergent boundary if enough cooling of the surface were present (water layer over oceanic floor, say East Pacific Rise);
b) convergent boundary if the transition layer reached atmosphere (not enough cooling), I'd say - Hawaii. The upper layers of magma is getting spoiled by sediments and nearby chain of underwater volcanoes can't build the strong (divergent) boundary.
- third suggestion to be discussed later;
The derived ideas range from very local geographically to planet-wide:
- Big picture on continental formation end evolution, (my blog post "Continental Formation And Evolution Revisited".)
- Pangaea layout. There was a post on this list #6165 (13-Jul, 2011) "Request for links to resources on alternative Pangaea layouts." The proposed layout was to place Australia, India, and NZ on the West of South America. Australia to be connected to "Atacama desert" region, India's cratons to be places on the North-West of Australia. NZ to be connected to South America below Australia. One of the evidences was the location of porphyry copper deposits, (my blog post "Porphyry Copper. More On Reshaping Pangaea (Gondwana)".)
- Mountain formation. (my blog post "Formation Of Mountain Ridges by Broken Process Of Subduction"). Tibet/Himalaya formation mechanism was suggested - by the consecutive "broken processes of subduction".
- Intra-continental tectonic processes. Some evidences of divergent processes within continents were pointed out: - my posts "The Snake River Plain As A Divergent Boundary", "Diverging Processes Within Las Vegas Valley", "Diverging The Southern Death Valley", "Evidences Of Diverging Processes Within Tibet Mountain System.", "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism", "Evidences Of Old Diverging Process Within North Anatolian Mountains.".
It was suggested that the diverging processes were behind the "Flood Basalt" events. The Snake River Plain divergent process was suggested to correlate to flood basalts on the North and on the South of the plain. The event of diverging Ural from Putorana was suggested to be one of the primary cause of Siberian Traps flood basalts (my blog post "Ural-Putorana Diverged, Suggesting The Global Mechanism").
A few words in conclusion. The proposed concept of Active Boundary Plate Tectonics seems to be quite efficient concept. It could be used to explain not only intercontinental tectonic processes, but also to explain very local intra-continental tectonic processes.
Thank you.
Sergey D. Sukhotinsky.
The most exciting for me was my work on my post "Black Sea. Some Thoughts On Its Opening And On The Origin OF The Crimean Mountains." The post was about that the divergent boundary - the Shatsky Ridge separated the Crimean Mountains off Pontic Mountains. Some evidences were discussed:
- Matching mountains on Anatolia (Dongelce) and Crimea (Laspi) side. The rectangular mountain structures can be found only in this "bent" part of Pontic Mountains.
- Matching mountains all over the divergent mountain system (Yalta, Crimea to match Aydincik-Doganyurt, Turkey; Feodosia, Crimea to match Caylioglu, Turkey; Novorossiysk-Anapa, Russia fit Carsamba, Turkey).
The mechanism that diverged the mountain system was discussed. The origin of deep see locations around Laspi was suggested.
I posted about two dozens of posts on Plate Tectonics on my blog Now I've made most of the posts private, but still on-demand are available the timestamped editions of them and their drafts that are stored in the cloud.
(I think, some day the blog platform host will introduce the feature to make public the saved editions of a blog post.)