My science/technology-related thoughts, sometimes controversial, sometimes can be based on limited knowledge base, logic can be non-perfect as well. I develop my vision in iterations. Don't take this blog as an attempt to convince anybody in anything.
Each post in this blog reflects my level of understanding of Tectonics of the Earth at the time the post was written; so, some posts may not necessarily be correct now.
The Concept Of Sea Ice Experiment To Get The Feel Of Geofracture Tectonics.
Sea ice vs Earth crust.
- Both are solid entities floating on something that is less solid.
- Both develop "tectonic-like" structures: ridges, subducting plates, etc.
- Both undergo deformations: crust is getting deformed by Moon/Sun gravity; sea ice is getting deformed by tidal and wind induced waves.
The objective of the experiment.
The main point of the experiment is to reveal whether compressional stress within ice sheet could be developed by ice sheet deformations caused by tidal waves. Could the compressional stress develop the structures: ridges, subducting plates, etc.
The location of the ice sheet to look for.
- A deep bay, probably, in Antarctic. The width of the ice sheet outside the bay should not be great in order to prevent the stress transmission from outside the bay.
- Winter wind pattern should not develop the significant compressional stress in the ice of the bay. The wind should be blowing mainly toward the open side of the bay.
- Tidal wave should be producing considerable deformation of the bay's ice surface.
The flow of the experiment.
Monitored parameters are:
- tidal deformation of the bay's ice surface;
- stress within the ice sheet;
- development of the "tectonic-like" structures: ridges, subducting plates, etc.
- wind parameters; the wind should be blowing toward the open end of the bay to not cause the compressional stress;
- parameters of water currents beneath the ice sheet; the currents should not produce significant compressional stress in the ice sheet;
© 2011 Sergey D. Sukhotinsky.
Message-ID: <BLU138-W69E66250B21377C8843DADB570@phx.gbl>
From: Sergey Sukhotinsky <>
To: Sergey Sukhotinsky <>
Subject: The Concept Of Sea Ice Experiment To Get The Feel Of Geofracture Tectonics.
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 22:25:46 +0300
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